9:27 p.m. ~ 2003-09-02
my notebook has a dashboard sticker on it

when costco is closed for a day, its like the equivelant of being closed for a month and the members act like they have been scraping the bottom of the barrell for food to hold them over.


this weather does me no good. my mood is already dampened and when insulted like i was today, repeatedly by members, by the time i left work i had a black cloud hovering over my head. for example,

member #583 of the day: what are you, retarded?

well it takes one to know one ma'am

i mean really, i believe we use the phrase mentally challenged these days. she had mistaken me for another membership employee and my puzzled look to her question must have set off a bitch-bomb inside of her because she really let me have it. then walked up to our store manager (who is an ex second string professional football player, big big man) and insulted him. this 4'2 piece of trash lady had her finger in his face like she owned the place.

customer satisfaction is seriously overrated.

she didnt even apologize for yelling at the wrong person. s.i.d.b.

but i am off tomorrow because of the first day of classes. my first class is an english one, themes in gay (male) literature. as an english major you are required to take either this class or a similar one with a focus on lesbians in the fall. i chose to take it this term because i had the professor before, he gave me an A that semester, and he is the english department head so if any problems arise he fixes them for his students. shibby.

my second class of the day is sociology taken purely for elective reasons. a freshman class so im hoping the professor isnt one who feels that since he or she is facing 40 newly admitted college students they have to act like a hard ass and pile on ridiculous amount of work to show them what being in college is all about.

and lastly, is my 3rd level of sign language taught by a woman named dori. seriously tough professor, allows no speaking while class is going on. strictly signing...im dead. plus this course requires one video project per week. videos are my most dreaded assignments. i drive the person taping me up the wall because i forget what im trying to say mid-video and we will have to start all over again.

ok, take 29...

too bad its raining, the campus is so dreary in the rain.

im a college senior!

this is: scary, lovely, exciting, depressing, amazing to me.

take a glimpse back
- - 2003-12-01
rose land - 2003-11-29
this is easy as lovers go - 2003-11-26
closed for repairs - 2003-11-24
you spin me right round baby, right round - 2003-11-23

classicism ~ futurism

The Artist: current

The Brushes: guestbook

Lyrics written for me today: tell me who makes your mind up for you?

On my wishlist: two days off

Next concert: 6:45 in the evening at the wonderful roseland ballroom

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The current mood of btweenthebars@aol.com at www.imood.com

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