11:15 p.m. ~ 2003-06-10
you can keep a secret cant you?

fucking A. just checked the weather forecast (im slightly obsessive about the weather, partially because my mood is very dependant on it) and it says rain for tomorrow. 15 people coming for a barbque, of course its going to rain. well, i hope everyone comes equipped with their bathing suits and an umbrella.

rain for thursday too. but i dont mind that too much, seeing him is worth the trip in the rain. 40 minutes on the train to the ferry, then a half hour on the boat. theres always some form of entertainment on the ferry whether it be someone playing guitar while sitting on the floor, a writer reading their angry angry poetry, or your random homeless guy preaching about armageddon or how they invented...oh, i dunno, the stamp and the goverment fucked him with the profits.

then a short walk up to the 4 or the 5, after two stops transfer to the 6? i think, i hope. ride the 6 for a few more stops. yeah the directions get a little vague at the end but thats why im leaving early, giving time for trial and error. exit the subway and im there. about 3 blocks away from his apartment with the flowerpot on the fire escape. props to anyone who gets my flowerpot reference.

im excited about seeing him, my secret in the city. and nobody knows where im going, or who im seeing, except for you guys but thats between us ok?

take a glimpse back
- - 2003-12-01
rose land - 2003-11-29
this is easy as lovers go - 2003-11-26
closed for repairs - 2003-11-24
you spin me right round baby, right round - 2003-11-23

classicism ~ futurism

The Artist: current

The Brushes: guestbook

Lyrics written for me today: at the right place and at the right time, it will have been worth it to stand in line

On my wishlist: smiles

Next concert: jays mystery concert

Free Guestmap from Bravenet

The current mood of btweenthebars@aol.com at www.imood.com

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