12:43 a.m. ~ 2003-09-24
making it up as i go

my sisters baby is due tomorrow and she changed the intended name from kayla to something she refuses to tell anyone making us all crazy trying to guess what it will be.

my sister has always been the wild one so her keeping the name a secret worries my mother a bit.

im already scheduled to babysit the weekend of december 13th while she and her boyfriend are away. learning how to change a diaper needs a spot on my to-do list.

i should enjoy these last few nights of uninterrupted slumber but after i finish typing i have yet another sign language presentation to practice, this one entitled my favorite piece of artwork. i have a new partner named tavis and though i will miss matts stoner ways i think it will work out nicely.

we drew a lovely beach scene for just the occassion. never mind the fact the little boy we were trying to portray looks like a viking, our dolphine is horribly mutated, and the seashells need a sign in paratheses that says "not dead fish".

my fingers are stained orange from the wings at chevys (i hope it fades, otherwise signing with neon orange fingertips is going to be an unwanted attention grabber) tuesday is *ladies night* and some girls from the class were there. so much for meeting up to practice.

one must prioritize.

take a glimpse back
- - 2003-12-01
rose land - 2003-11-29
this is easy as lovers go - 2003-11-26
closed for repairs - 2003-11-24
you spin me right round baby, right round - 2003-11-23

classicism ~ futurism

The Artist: current

The Brushes: guestbook

Lyrics written for me today: crooked spin cant come to rest, im damaged bad at best, she'll decide what she wants

On my wishlist: patience for my own self

Next concert: while others are up in the air, brand new on the 28th of november is on.

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The current mood of btweenthebars@aol.com at www.imood.com

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