3:32 a.m. ~ 2003-06-15
why is it always 101?

because im sure you're all just dying to know:

1. i turn 21 in about two months.

2. i sleep on silk sheets.

3. i prefer a ceiling fan to an air conditioner. something about a cool whipping breeze on warm skin that just feels better than artic temperatures blasting you all night.

4. my sister is pregnant with a baby girl.

5. the baby's name is going to be kayla. isnt that pretty?

6. the person i write about here has no idea these entries exist. has no idea i write for him.

7. i am a control freak.

8. none of my friends in "real life" know this diary exists.

9. i am scared of spiders. like really scared. like stop driving, throw off the seatbelt and open the door so i can get away from the one in keiths car. thing was fucking gross and huge.

10. i am an english major.

11. hopefully, i will graduate in the spring of next year.

12. the college i go to was once a mental institution. go figure.

13. im a new yorker, born and raised.

14. i wish i knew how to get around the city better.

15. hands are the second physical feature i notice. i like slender hands, long fingers.

16. the manor house is where you will usually find me on friday nights. with a corona and apple martini in hand. sometimes at the same time. (our waiter kicks ass)

17. whenever i drink, i usually have a hard time remembering the entire night.

18. i am extremely quoteable when im drunk.

19. dashboard confessional is my favorite band. saves the day runs a close second.

20. my favorite song is dependant on my mood. both change quite frequently.

21. my cat buster is like my child. i love him more than anything in this world. affectionate little thing.

22. actually, hes not so little. 18 pounds. fatboy.

23. i despise diet soda. my mother is on a perpetual diet so regular soda is forbidden in our fridge.

24. i was born on my mothers birthday.

25. purple is my favorite color. i rarely wear it though.

26. its either sexy underwear, or no underwear.

27. i work at a customer service desk where people come to yell at me for 8 hours a day. once, i got called multi-retarded because a lady lost her receipt and blamed it on me. multi-retarded huh? so is that like a diss or a compliment?

28. my boss is a fucking nutjob. she will call me her princess one minute, and then tell me im useless the next. she also tells me she loves me everyday.

29. i love the witch back.

30. i work with some of my closest friends.

31. my favorite place to see a concert is pnc in the summertime.

32. i think christmas is the most romantic holiday.

33. i hate cold weather.

34. i must beat myself up in my sleep. mysterious bruises always appear on my body and i have no clue where they are from. a couple of drinks is usually involved the night before.

35. i took sign language as my language option in school. i am currently enrolled in the third level for the fall. after i graduate i plan on taking a 22 month course to get my interpreters license.

36. i crave pizza when i drink. and bacon cheeseburgers.

37. i know an amazing amount of song lyrics and can recite them off the top of my head.

38. i give money to homeless people. i know it probably wont be used for food or anything beneficial but i cant resist sometimes.

39. i make kick-ass compilation cds. ill make you one if you like.

40. insomniac is my favorite t.v. show. dave attell lives the ideal life.

41. socks and sandals annoy the shit out of me. and it seems every guy that goes to my college thinks it rocks.

42. i can eat alot more than you expect.

43. i despise southern comfort. it has ruined the flavor vanilla for me forever.

44. i wish i could have seen saves the day in concert before they broke up. ive seen dashboard 3 times, and fall more in love with his music every time.

45. it doesnt hurt that chris carrabba is a hottie biscotti.

46. terrycloth is my favorite material.

47. i cant stand the rain.

48. my best friends names are keith and jen. they are not friends.

49. on friday nights keith and i typically go to our bar early to eat and catch up on the week's bullshit.

50. i was once a wendy's girl. for a whole year, i ate chicken nuggets for breakfast.

51. i much rather text page than call somebody. and i love to receive them.

52. my favorite drink is a corona with a shot of bacardi limon in it.

53. i snore. loudly. *sex kitten*

54. i have horrible, horrible allergies.

55. i save everything. gift, sentimental objects, letters, fortune cookie fortunes...etc. one day my room is going to fall into my kitchen with all the crap i have in here.

56. i have every english textbook i have ever used since junior high.

57. i am focused on getting my gpa back up. its good now but i know it could be better. ive done better before.

58. there are songs that make me cry. i listen to them anyway.

59. i never used to cry so easily. what a mush ive become.

60. i find older men attractive.

61. i find men and women equally attractive.

62. i love to give gifts and always feel awkward receiving them. i have no problem spending money on other people. i have no problem spending money at all.

63. i am a huge procrastinator. theres always "later".

64. i love to whisper.

65. and tell secrets.

66. i crave passion. and have yet to find someone whom i could call truly passionate. phsyically.

67. when it comes to chinese food, i always order shrimp mei fun with ginger scallion sauce.

68. i hate wearing jeans. of course, at my job, jeans are one of the few clothing items that follow the dress code.

69. everybody always puts something perverted or sex oriented when they reach this number. not me, no way, no how, not gonna do it. *hehe, i said "do it"

70. i am always late.

71. its due to the fact i am probably the most disorganized person in the universe.

72. i look younger than my age. while working in a junior high school during my sophomore year in college, a teacher mistook me for a student and told me i wasnt allowed in the faculty lounge. junior fucking high school.

73. my fake id always works though.

74. the latest cds i bought include: midtown (save the world, lose the girl), thursday (five stories falling), and jets to brazil (perfecting lonliness).

75. i know alot of random facts about indie music. most of it comes from christian who tests me constantly. sometimes i surprise him.

76. i dont think i will ever want to move out of new york.

77. the countdown to vacation has begun. i will be somewhere *location still undecided* august 2-10th. i am so freakin excited.

78. my porno name would be sophie adlai. (first pet name, and the street you live on).

79. "never have i ever" is my favorite drinking game.

80. there are 3 people signed on my buddy list right now and all 3 have their away messages on. i am the away message queen. mine usually include song lyrics fitting my mood for the day.

81. dammit is probably my favorite punk song.

82. i like people who like the same music as i do and enjoy concerts with them even more. christian used to be my favorite concert buddy until we kissed one night during a show and now we no longer go alone. only one of our friends know.

83. i told you i had secrets.

84. i love writing in this journal. cliche: it really does help me sort alot of feelings out.

85. i am currently reading "naked" by david sedaris. he makes me laugh out loud.

86. i dont think ive ever said fuck you to a persons face. many times after slamming down the phone or walking away from them.

87. i blush madly when i receive compliments. and knowing that i am blushing doesnt help at all.

88. my favorite shot is the "little beer". its liqor 43 with heavy cream on top, resembling a beer, hence the name.

89. i so wish i had one right now.

90. i passed chemistry my freshman year in college because the professor really felt sorry for me. im convinced of it. pity the poor girl and get her the hell out of the lab.

91. an intelligent mind is a serious turn on for me. and nice hands but i believe i mentioned that before.

92. whats with my hand fetish?

93. i am currently listening to "fall" by something corporate.

94. ive seen them in concert twice. the first time the lead singer lit the piano stool on fire. they opened up for juliana theory. the next night i was slightly intoxicated and relaying the story to christian who interpreted it as the lead singer of juliana theory lit their piano on fire. i dunno which one of us was drunker.

95. i use cingular cell phone service. i get reception everywhere but in my house.

96. i love the drunken phone call. i am infamous for leaving babbling voicemail messages, and if you answer, watch out. sometimes i dont even remember making them.

97. im hungry.

98. i am smiling in pictures i dont remember taking with people i dont remember hanging out with. damn good drinks that night.

99. bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...

100. i like to dance with random strangers when im out. i hate when random strangers come talk to me like we're best buds.

101. she goes above and beyond her call of duty, she is a slut but her ex thinks its sexy. sex reminds her of eating spaghetti, i am wasted but im ready -ben kweller.

take a glimpse back
- - 2003-12-01
rose land - 2003-11-29
this is easy as lovers go - 2003-11-26
closed for repairs - 2003-11-24
you spin me right round baby, right round - 2003-11-23

classicism ~ futurism

The Artist: current

The Brushes: guestbook

Lyrics written for me today: you think that when she smiles that you turn all her dials, well you should see her later while in the elevator

On my wishlist: sleep

Next concert: still searching...

Free Guestmap from Bravenet

The current mood of btweenthebars@aol.com at www.imood.com

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