2:01 a.m. ~ 2003-06-19
shake whatcha momma gave ya

lick your hand. or the hand of your drinking partner. sprinkle salt on the wet area. graze salted skin with your tongue, but not too much. lift shot glass and down drink quickly. suck the hell out of the lime strategically placed next to your now empty glass. repeat as neccessary.

tequila shots.

drink of choice tonight. hell, anything can become the drink of choice when its on the house. getting taken care of at a bar where you're not even a regular is a nice feeling. paul was the dj tonight, he usually spins at the manor house where we meet on friday nights and it was nice seeing him at a different scene.

weird scenario of the night: getting hit on by a guy that bore a striking resemblance to tim allen. hehe, i dont think so tim. that al was such a party pooper.

i didnt make a drunken phone call...maybe a slightly intoxicated one to the flowerpot. and of course got the voicemail. dammit. i have one on my own phone that i am just too lazy to check. and i dont want to be dissapointed if its not him. maybe tomorrow then...

2nd weird scenario of the night: somehow, during a discussion with the bartender about finding the perfect balance of cream and liquor 43 in a little beer, an 18 year oldish boy joins us. he starts off the conversation by telling me he is going to blow my mind. (that a promise?) then lauches full-fledged into the lovely world of...scorpions and tarantulas. *sidenote: i am terrified of both of these creatures. frankly, they scare the shit out of me* i just kind of sat there dumbfounded while this boy stood there for about 15 minutes telling us over and over again how awesome his new pet scorpion is. and then said it was very nice talking to us and simply walked to another section of the bar.

how very fucking twighlight zone is that?

keith came by tonight and it was great to see him, he leaves for vacation this weekend. i would have gone insane these past few months if it wasnt for him and all the friendship hes shown.

if there is anybody that can snap me back to reality, its keith. knows me inside and out and understands me. my favorite thing to do with him is stretch out on my couch and talk about whatever is on our minds, no matter how dull and mundane, or critically important. i know he gets where im coming from because his advice is always spectacular and brilliant. and he makes me feel like an ass when i get too overanalytical.

plus, he is a great drinking buddy. what more can you ask for in a friend?

oh for goodness shakes. rain again. and forecasted for the next five days...rain. i think it will be a sad day when i finally get used to it raining 99% of the time.

so long sweet summer, i stumbled upon you and gracefully basked in your rays...

fat chance. i fear i may begin to babble again about subjects i do not want to discuss to death. i have plenty of entries to get all deep into the shit, tonight i will enjoy the sight leftover buzz from my free and therefore best ive had all week drinks. *gnite kisses*

take a glimpse back
- - 2003-12-01
rose land - 2003-11-29
this is easy as lovers go - 2003-11-26
closed for repairs - 2003-11-24
you spin me right round baby, right round - 2003-11-23

classicism ~ futurism

The Artist: current

The Brushes: guestbook

Lyrics written for me today: drink up baby, look at the stars, ill kiss you again between the bars...

On my wishlist: loud music

Next concert: yesss, tom and leslie coming to lalapalooza too

Free Guestmap from Bravenet

The current mood of btweenthebars@aol.com at www.imood.com

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