5:30 a.m. ~ 2003-07-13
just dont

tonight was henry's party.

"do me a favor and find out where christian is"

....i call..."you're supposed to be here now"

"im on my way, meet me outside in 15"

i meet him on his way inside to the backyard. a quick hello, not a kiss, not a hug, barely an aknowledgement. ok, i settle on one of many comfy lounge chairs with my giant sized red bull and stoli and try to avoid getting thrown in the pool with my shoes on.

"come over here" a text message during beer pong. i look in the tables direction, christian and matt getting beaten badly at their own game. im all about moral support...and shots of bacardi so i grabbed jason and a drink. commented on their suckyness and this time received a hug.

alcohol lowers your inhibitions.

when it was time to leave, he leaned down, pretending to look at my camera and asked if i could spare some sleep time. i whispered of course and left with my drunken posse, he would be at my house in an hour.

and the only thing we discussed, or argued rather why i would not be going back to his apartment this morning. to me, bad idea. to him, logical idea.


"well the neighbors could see us here and think something, you should be smarter than that" yes, the neighbors have nothing better to do on a sunday morning than surveillance my house and record who i talk to on my porch. and then relay the message to any inquiring minds.

he just left and suggested we not talk for a while. im so fed up, it should be a long while. ok, i agreed and threw my hands up in exasperation. i dont get it.

i will never get it!

i dont think i want to get it. i think it is beyond my grasp of understanding, his motives, his logic, make zero sense to me. he makes my head hurt, he ruins my drunk and i have mosquito bites for no good reason from sitting outside.

so not worth these groggy eyes i am going to have at work today that come with no explanation. how could i explain?

take a glimpse back
- - 2003-12-01
rose land - 2003-11-29
this is easy as lovers go - 2003-11-26
closed for repairs - 2003-11-24
you spin me right round baby, right round - 2003-11-23

classicism ~ futurism

The Artist: current

The Brushes: guestbook

Lyrics written for me today: dont look back, you can never look back

On my wishlist: a top 5 list

Next concert: i am destined to neverrr see brand new

Free Guestmap from Bravenet

The current mood of btweenthebars@aol.com at www.imood.com

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