6:46 p.m. ~ 2003-07-18
our love was comfortable, and so broken in

chevys makes one crappy long island iced tea.

tonight i will enjoy some with fresh squeezed lemons. i mean, to make up for last night...its the only way. =)

i think tonight is going to be a couples night at the manor house.

and the cheese stands alone...

jeff got promoted at our job this week so to show his dedication, he has been pulling 12 hour shifts and going straight home after work then back again in the morning. strangely enough, this time apart is bothering me less than i thought. ive gotten to enjoy some time by myself. people need breaks from each other, this has just been two years overdue.

that sounds a little colder than i intend it to.

keith called and left a message last night. something about going to cali being a big mistake. i feel bad, so much effort in going back and forth, the second time this month alone. and she hasnt come to see him once. and ignores his calls for days at a time. so all he has to show for this relationship are plane ticket stubs and unrequited text messages. that sounds like fun.

long distance relationships are hard. seeing the person everyday is hard. then not seeing them everyday, you would think it should be hard. it should hurt or you should be missing the person more than you like spending time by yourself.

maybe im just tired of being comfortable. because i know i still care.

take a glimpse back
- - 2003-12-01
rose land - 2003-11-29
this is easy as lovers go - 2003-11-26
closed for repairs - 2003-11-24
you spin me right round baby, right round - 2003-11-23

classicism ~ futurism

The Artist: current

The Brushes: guestbook

Lyrics written for me today: this day could some day be an anniversary

On my wishlist: fireworks

Next concert: pray for no rain next week

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The current mood of btweenthebars@aol.com at www.imood.com

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