3:35 p.m. ~ 2003-08-19
lights are on but no one's home

now what was i going to say?

ive been a distracted scatterbrain lately. focusing all of my energies on...trying to keep focused.

my brain seems to have fallen asleep. no pins and needles yet.

the other day i got out of the shower with the conditioner still in my hair. forgot to rinse after shaving and ruined perfectly good fresh out of the dryer towel.

the other night i left work with my till keys causing all sorts of panic among my co-workers.

my friend chris' surgery was sunday night, had every intention of calling and wishing him well. by the time i remembered, i got only the answering machine.


at least im off today. need to do some shopping and waiting around for someone to return my invite. i think im dangerous by myself.

...*an hour later* jeff is coming by around 4 and we're headed to jersey for some shopping. need two dresses for two weddings next month. one weekend after the other.

the first is my cousin shana's. shes getting married to her rock star look alike fiance. tavern on the green in the city. fancy stuff. a two day event, the first is the wedding and party afterwards, and the second day is a picnic in central park. tons of family i rarely see but definitely looking forward to it. my uncle russell, shana's father, is one of my favorite people. i am the only one out of my family that will be attending unless my father comes around and swallows some of his pride. they're brothers but lead very different lifestyles, causing many rifts in their relationship. despite this i know he wishes that side of my family is as close as his other 3 siblings are. im almost positive he is going to decide to come.

the second wedding is jeff's brother vin marrying his girlfriend of about 8 years. high school sweethearts, and still the inseperable couple. i forget the name of the place in jersey where their reception is taking place, but the grounds are beautiful. fairy tale looking kind of place. jeff's youngest brother is such a character. we'll stop by his house late at night and robbie will be in his underwear toting a light saber and blaring spongebob in the living room, jeffs parents passed out on the couch. he looks equally cute in a suit and i get first dance.

enough bumming around, going to get my day started, even at 330.

take a glimpse back
- - 2003-12-01
rose land - 2003-11-29
this is easy as lovers go - 2003-11-26
closed for repairs - 2003-11-24
you spin me right round baby, right round - 2003-11-23

classicism ~ futurism

The Artist: current

The Brushes: guestbook

Lyrics written for me today: hes got his arm around every man's dream, crumbs in his beard from the seafood special

On my wishlist: concrete

Next concert: the day before shana's wedding

Free Guestmap from Bravenet

The current mood of btweenthebars@aol.com at www.imood.com

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